
admin包装问答2024-01-22 07:59:09
“while”是英语中的一个常见词汇,它可以用作连接词、副词、名词等,并且在句子中的用法也非常灵活。本文将以“while”的用法为中心,详细介绍其在英语中的不同用法及相关示例。二、while作为连接词的用法1. while表示“当……的时候”“while”可以用来连接两个句子,表示两个事件同时发生。例如:- While I was watching TV, my phone rang.(当我正在看电视的时候,我的手机响了。)- She fell asleep while she was reading.(



— while表示“当……的时候”


- While I was watching TV, my phone rang.(当我正在看电视的时候,我的手机响了。)


- She fell asleep while she was reading.(她在读书的时候睡着了。)

— while表示“虽然”


- While I understand your point of view, I still disagree.(虽然我理解你的观点,但我仍然不同意。)

- While it is true that she is talented, she still needs more practice.(虽然她很有才华,但她还需要更多的练习。)

— while表示“与……同时”


- He was cooking while she was cleaning.(他在做饭,她在打扫。)

- While they were playing, it started to rain.(他们在玩耍的时候,开始下雨了。)


— while表示“一段时间”


- She waited for a while before le—ing.(她等了一会儿才离开。)

- He has been gone for a while.(他离开有一段时间了。)

— while表示“同时”


- He ate while watching TV.(他一边看电视一边吃饭。)

- She talked on the phone while driving.(她一边开车一边打电话。)


— while表示“一段时间”


- I h—en't seen him for a while.(我有一段时间没有见到他了。)

- We chatted for a while before saying goodbye.(我们聊了一会儿才告别。)

— while表示“与……同时”


- I was cooking while she was cleaning, and we both heard the doorbell at the same time.(我在做饭,她在打扫,我们同时听到了门铃声。)

- While he was driving, he was also listening to music.(他开车的—也在听音乐。)


— all the while

“all the while”表示“一直”,常用于表示某个人或事情一直存在或持续进行。例如:

- She knew all the while that he was lying.(她一直知道他在撒谎。)

- He was —iling all the while he was talking.(他一直在说话的时候都在微笑。)

— in a while

“in a while”表示“过一会儿”,常用于表示稍后或将来的时间。例如:

- I'll be back in a while.(我过一会儿回来。)

- We'll finish the project in a while.(我们过一会儿就完成这个项目。)

— while away

“while away”表示“消磨时间”,常用于表示在某个地方或某个时间里消磨时间。例如:

- She whiled away the afternoon reading.(她消磨了一个下午的时间看书。)

- He likes to while away the time by playing video games.(他喜欢通过玩电子游戏来消磨时间。)




