
admin包装问答2023-11-06 03:39:47
“Miss”这个单词在英语中是一个常见的词汇,它有多种用法和含义。在不同的语境中,它可以表示不同的意思。在本文中,我们将详细解释“miss”这个单词的各种含义和用法,并提供一些常见的例句和短语。二、“Miss”的基本意思“Miss”作为一个动词,最基本的意思是“错过”或“未能达到”。例如:- I missed the train this morning.(我今天早上错过了火车。)- You missed the deadline for the project.(你没有在项目截止日期之前完成。)“Mis




- I missed the train this morning.(我今天早上错过了火车。)

- You missed the deadline for the project.(你没有在项目截止日期之前完成。)



- I can't believe I missed the chance to meet my f—orite singer.(我简直不敢相信我错过了见到我最喜欢的歌手的机会。)

- He missed the opportunity to invest in the company when it was still —all.(他错过了在公司还很小的时候投资的机会。)


除了基本的意思之外, “miss”还可以表示以下含义:

— 想念


- I really miss my family when I'm away from home.(当我离开家的时候,我真的很想念我的家人。)

- She misses her old job sometimes.(她有时会想念她以前的工作。)

— 错误地认为或理解


- I think you missed my point.(我觉得你误解了我的意思。)

- He missed the sarca— in her tone.(他没有听出她话语中的讽刺意味。)

— 没有击中目标


- The archer missed the target.(弓箭手没有击中目标。)

- The basketball player missed the shot.(篮球运动员没有投中篮球。)

— 未参加或未出现


- I'm sorry I missed your party last night.(很抱歉我昨晚没有参加你的派对。)

- She missed the meeting because she was sick.(她因病未能参加会议。)


— Miss out on

“Miss out on”表示“错过机会”或“未能参加某事”。例如:

- Don't miss out on the chance to see the new exhibit.(不要错过看新展览的机会。)

- I missed out on the concert because I didn't buy tickets in time.(我错过了音乐会,因为我没有及时购买门票。)

— Miss the boat

“Miss the boat”表示“错过了机会”或“晚了一步”。例如:

- If you don't apply now, you might miss the boat.(如果你现在不申请,你可能会错过机会。)

- He missed the boat on investing in that company.(他在投资那家公司时晚了一步。)

— Miss the mark

“Miss the mark”表示“未能达到目标”或“未能做到”。例如:

- The marketing campaign missed the mark and failed to attract customers.(市场营销活动未能达到目标,未能吸引到顾客。)

- His performance missed the mark and he was not promoted.(他的表现未能达到标准,因此未被晋升。)

— Miss someone/something dearly

“Miss someone/something dearly”表示“非常想念某人或某物”。例如:

- I miss my grandmother dearly.(我非常想念我的祖母。)

- She misses her hometown dearly.(她非常想念她的家乡。)


“Miss”是一个常见的英语单词,它有多种含义和用法。除了基本的意思之外,它还可以表示想念、错误地理解、未命中目标、未参加或未出现等含义。在日常生活中,我们可以使用一些常见的短语,如“miss out on”、“miss the boat”、“miss the mark”、“miss someone/something dearly”等。了解这些用法和短语可以帮助我们更好地理解和使用这个单词。


