
admin包装机械2023-10-31 12:45:24
Receive是一个英语单词,意思是“接收”、“收到”、“接待”等。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个词,比如接收邮件、接待客人等。本文将详细解释receive的含义、用法及常见短语,帮助读者更好地掌握这个单词。一、receive的含义Receive是一个动词,意思是“接收”、“收到”、“接待”等。它的基本含义是指接收或收到某物,可以是物质的或非物质的,也可以是具体的或抽象的。例如:1. I received a letter from my friend yesterday.(我昨天收到了




— I received a letter from my friend yesterday.(我昨天收到了一封朋友的信。)

— The company received a large order from a customer in Japan.(公司收到了一份来自日本客户的大订单。)


— He received a warm welcome from the local people.(他受到了当地人的热烈欢迎。)

— She received a good education at a prestigious university.(她在一所知名大学接受了良好的教育。)


— receive + 名词


- I received a gift from my parents on my birthday.(我在生日那天收到了父母送给我的礼物。)

- The school received a donation from a local busines—an.(学校收到了一位本地商人的捐赠。)

— receive + 介词短语


- The hotel received us warmly when we arrived.(我们到达时,酒店热情地接待了我们。)

- The university receives students from all over the world.(这所大学接收来自世界各地的学生。)

— receive + 动词的过去分词


- He received a call from his boss, informing him of the good news.(他接到了老板的电话,告诉他好消息。)

- The company received an award for its excellent performance.(公司因表现出色获得了奖项。)

— receive + 从句


- I received a message from my friend that he would come to visit me next week.(我收到了朋友的消息,他下周会来看我。)

- The government received a report that the economy was booming.(—收到了一份报告,经济正在蓬勃发展。)


— receive a call:接到电话

- I received a call from my friend asking me to go to the cinema with her.(我接到了朋友的电话,她邀请我一起去看电影。)

— receive an email:收到邮件

- I received an email from my boss asking me to attend a meeting.(我收到了老板的邮件,要求我参加一次会议。)

— receive a gift:收到礼物

- She received a beautiful necklace from her boyfriend on Valentine's Day.(情人节那天,她收到了男友送给她的一条漂亮的项链。)

— receive a package:收到包裹

- I received a package from my friend in the US yesterday.(昨天我收到了一份来自美国朋友的包裹。)

— receive a warm welcome:受到热烈欢迎

- The team received a warm welcome from the fans when they arrived at the stadium.(球队到达体育场时,受到了球迷的热烈欢迎。)

— receive an education:接受教育

- She received a good education at a top university in the UK.(她在英国一所顶尖大学接受了良好的教育。)

7. receive a promotion:获得晋升

- He received a promotion after working hard for five years in the company.(他在公司辛苦工作五年后获得了晋升。)

8. receive an award:获得奖项

- The actress received an award for her outstanding performance in the movie.(这位女演员因在电影—色表现获得了奖项。)


— receive to


- 错误:He received to a warm welcome from the local people.

- 正确:He received a warm welcome from the local people.

— receive from


- 错误:I received a letter from my friend from Canada.

- 正确:I received a letter from my friend in Canada.

— receive with


- 错误:The company received with a large order from a customer in Japan.

- 正确:The company received a large order from a customer in Japan.


Receive是一个常用的英语单词,意思是“接收”、“收到”、“接待”等。它可以接名词、介词短语、动词的过去分词或从句作宾语,表示接收或收到某物、接待或接纳某人或某物、接收某事情的结果或接收某种信息或消息。在日常生活中,我们常用receive搭配一些短语,如receive a call、receive an email等。需要注意的是,receive后面不能接to、from或with,否则会造成语法错误。掌握receive的含义、用法及常见短语,对于提高英语表达能力和应对日常交流有很大帮助。


